Conventional Hiring Tips That Should be Ignored

Conventional Hiring Tips That Should be Ignored

Hiring the wrong employees can devastate a business. It is important to research the various ways to make the right hire. However, it is just as important to know which tips to ignore.


Vague Job Listings

Some HR consultants believe that you should not include too much detail in your descriptions, such as salary range and job responsibilities. They feel that you will attract more applicants with less details.

This approach is a sure fire way to waste everyone’s time by encouraging applicants that are not the best fit. Instead, you need to be as clear, transparent and precise as possible. This ensures that anyone applying for the job understands the amount of pay to expect and everything the job entails.


Businesspeople Shaking Hands At Office Desk

Turning People Off

A consultant may flag the use of certain words, suggesting more appropriate synonyms. For example, as opposed to using the term “kick-ass”, they may recommend something like “enthusiastic” instead to avoid offence.

If the culture of people that you are looking to attract would not be offended by such language, then go ahead and leave it in your description. It is best to alienate people who may take offence rather than create a working environment where everyone has to walk on eggshells.


Paying for Premium

Unless you are looking for candidates to fill a highly specialized technical role, you should not worry about paying for premium or targeted job sites. There is a good chance that you will find the best person for the job by going through free channels and never spending a dime.

Instead, you can list the job opening on your website and share it on your social media profiles. There is no reason to go overboard by paying top dollar to spread the word.

When it comes to recruitment practices, there are a lot of rules that you do need to follow. However, it is important to trust you gut in order to find great employees.

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