Using Social Media for Recruiting

Using Social Media for Recruiting

Finding the ideal candidate to fill an open position with your company has the potential to be a rather daunting task. In order to find the best candidates, employers have to learn to go where the people are.

The advent of social media has opened the door to a new world for recruiting. More than 500 million people these days stay connected to the world via social networks, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and others.

Take a moment to review a few statistics related to social recruitment:

· In 2010, 83% of companies used social media networks to recruit job candidates

· 79% of job recruiters and hiring managers review applicants’ information online

· 65% of companies have successfully hired new employees via social media

Social media networks provide a place for people to come together, interact and share information. These networks span worldwide to connect people with one another. This broad member base makes social media networks one of the best available tools for recruiting new hires.

As a recruiter, you are looking to fill positions within your company with candidates that are best qualified to do to the job. If you plan to use social media networks to recruit talented job candidates for your company, you should take the time to learn a few pointers before tweeting out the call. Here are some tips to get your social recruiting efforts headed in the right direction:

Multiethnic People with Social MediaGet An Early Start

You may get a few viable candidates by simply posting a link to your job postings, but you may not be effectively reaching your target audience. You must first develop your personality as an employer. Think of your business as a brand and the available job as one of your products. Once you build a social media presence for your company, you can then incorporate job announcements to attract quality candidates.

· Get To Know Your Audience

You must determine the proper social media network for targeting potential job candidates. For example, using Twitter may be the best way to find college students for summer intern positions, while LinkedIn is a better way to reach seasoned professionals.

· Be Creative

Social media users are already receiving a considerable amount of information every day. In order to achieve the best results, you need a message that grabs the attention of both passive and active job seekers. A creative message will highlight your organization’s personality, which allows potential applicants to determine if your company is an ideal fit.

· Share And Share Alike

When you use social media as a recruitment tool, you are asking for information to be shared through public means. Therefore, you must be willing to share information in return.

Social recruiting gives you an opportunity to get to know potential candidates. This method will require some time and effort; however, finding the ideal person for the job will provide your company with considerable long-term benefits.

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