Online Recruiting to Grab Top Candidates

Online Recruiting to Grab Top Candidates

Faced with the greatest recession that most people alive today have seen in their lifetime, the 20th Annual IRS Graduate Recruitment Survey revealed that online recruitment is quickly rising to the top as the best tool for reaching out to top job candidates.

Online recruitment strategies through company websites and external career websites are among the most popular and effective ways to attract talented graduates to fill open positions, according to the IRS’s recent survey.

Currently, the hiring round is tough for graduates as the recruitment demand wanes slightly and salaries are frozen. However, tempestuous economic conditions do not make it easy for employers to recruit candidates. In addition, it is also difficult these days to find the highest quality talent.

Mobile pone with career on screenWithin the past few years, the shape of recruiter demand for graduates has been on the rise as the number of people exiting universities actively seek employment, which is close to 185,000 a year, is also on an upward trajectory. However, as the supply of candidates looking for work remains resilient, the demand from employers is waning. The most recent Association of Graduate Recruiters’ Survey highlighted the fact that twenty-five percent of graduate job openings have disappeared, leaving on average forty-eight applicants for every available position.

According to the survey conducted by the IRS, more than seventy-two percent of employers have attempted to recruit graduates. And over sixty-three percent are currently trying to hire top graduates. Even though the current demand as slightly tapered off, companies remain optimistic that the demand for graduates will continue to rise.

The number of actual hires has gone down, but employers are making larger cuts to save money. Therefore, companies are still investing in top talent for the future and they continue to recruit heavily for graduates. It is true that companies are hiring a lower number of graduates; however, there are not as many companies cutting their graduate schemes completely in comparison to the last recession.

The most efficient way to manage the recruitment of top candidates is via online methods. With such a high number of applications to deal with, effective online recruiting is becoming more and more critical. For some companies, the number of applications is downright terrifying. Therefore, the only way to handle such a high number of applicants successfully is managing this online.

Embracing the Changes to Job Search

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